Please Talk about Me When I'm Gone is a memoir about love, loss, grief and recovery.
It's also a memoir about dialogue: a dialogue with my mother, a dialogue with myself and my memories, and a dialogue with the reader.
In telling my mother's (and my family's) story, I recall the many things we knew and, importantly, what we did not know. We became experts on how to deal with the day-to-day urgencies of a terminal cancer patient; what we didn't know was the wealth of resources available to us: organizations and individuals who can help.
We also didn't know exactly what questions to ask, or how to ask them. I recount some of the lessons we learned, the hard way, in the hope that someone reading might feel more empowered if they ever find themselves navigating a similar journey.
And so, Bright Moments.
Bright Moments? The great Rahsaan Roland Kirk, who was born blind and eventually taught himself to play three saxophones, simultaneously, often talked about
bright moments: occasions where you feel deeply connected to the music, the message, and the soul of the messenger.
To me, bright moments signify an attempt at sharing, gestures that are honest, opportunities to connect.
In this space I will share stories, some of the aforementioned resources, and many of the songs that did --and do-- help me survive. I invite you to tell your story. Share what you know or have learned, or are hoping to learn. Tell me what music (or books, or movies, or people) inspire and encourage you.
We're all in this together and nobody should ever feel like they are going through life alone.